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Sundar Pichai, from the heart of the slums of India as Google Director

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Sundar Pichai, from a poor young Indian to the director of Google

From the heart of poor India, where there is gold in every house and temple, a young man who will one day become the director of one of the largest companies in the world, a company that we rely on in our daily routine.

Today I'm going to give you a strange and stimulating story about the rise of a young Indian named Sundar Pichai to become CEO of Google

place of birth

Sundar Pichai was born on July 12, 1972, in the City of Chennai Southern India; His father, Rijunata Pichai, was working as an electrical engineer. His mother used to work as a writer, but she stopped working as soon as the birth of their first child. Sander's life was very normal. His family consisted of his parents and younger brother. He never tasted luxury when he was young. With his brother in the living room, the fact that their house is very small, and sometimes the whole family was moving over a fireplace. You must have seen this scene before in the cities of India, whether in a movie, program, or video. Youtube An entire family on a motorcycle a father was driving, while Sander sits in front of him, behind his mother and younger brother.

Pichai's love for technology showed up with him when he was young. Early on, Pichai realized how technology could save so much time and effort. He told a story in an interview. When his mother once fell ill,

He had to travel very far to collect blood reports for her. It took over an hour to get to the place and had to wait in the center for hours. This bothered him deeply, and when the family bought the first phone, he began to feel the value of technology in a person’s life, because with one phone call he knew exactly when the reports would arrive without having to wait hours.

The Life of Sundar Pichai

Sander Pichai's life was extremely simple. It was also a historic event when the family bought their first refrigerator, he said “We waited a long time to get a refrigerator, and I saw with my own eyes how my mother’s life had changed radically: She did not need to cook every day, so she could spend more time with us. So there is a side of me that has deeply seen how technology can make such a big difference, and I still feel it. I feel optimistic, the energy, and the moral imperative to accelerate this progress. ”

Sander was studying in a school in his city, and he was a very diligent student, and because he was successful in school, he never failed, because Pichai surprised everyone by remembering many phone numbers and this gave a great impression on his family and teachers from a young age, and in high school, his favorite hobby was sport Cricket so he was the captain of his school's cricket team.

After a few years, Sander decided to study metallurgical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur and was also a bright and hardworking student to graduate from it in 1993 with a high degree wall.

Sander's dream

The American dream always had him. And his dream was to complete his studies in America. He was a young man with very big ambitions. Indeed, after he graduated, something happened that made him very, very, very happy. He won a scholarship to study at "Stanford University" of America. This is not something that usually happens to everyone. But, as it is said, the eye is insightful and the hand is short. His family tried in various ways to obtain a loan to help him travel to America. They failed to do so, they did not get any loan. He did not own the plane ticket or afford the travel costs. There is only one solution left for Sander and his family, which is the family's savings that they have struggled to collect. They spent $ 1,000, which was equivalent to his father’s salary for a full year of work, just to pay for the cost of flying. His parents were placing great hopes on Sander, so he said in one of the comments: “My father and my mother did what many parents do at that time. They sacrificed a lot of their lives and used a lot of disposable income to make sure their children learn. ”

Indeed, after a long effort and effort, Sander arrived in the United States to study at Stanford University in 1993. And once he reached the United States. He stayed for his first year in the company of a host family, as it was very difficult for him to live alone. He couldn't bear the rental costs. Imagine with me that he was shocked and surprised when he discovered that the backpack only cost $ 60. As for a young man coming from India, ordinary, he would be shocked.

Complete his studies and move to Silicon Valley

After much study and effort, he managed to obtain a master's degree in materials engineering and semiconductor physics. Sander's plan was to study and obtain his doctorate at the same university. However, after a short period of time, he decided to pursue a career in engineering, which he loved. Indeed, he worked for Applied Materials as a product manager. In Silicon Valley, California. And this matter was like a dream come true. He said in one of the interviews, "I always loved technology, and throughout my growing up I had dreams about Silicon Valley. I used to read about it and hear stories about it from my uncle." But he did not stay in that company for long, he resigned and left.

After receiving a master's degree from Stanford University, Pichai transferred to Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania to study for an MBA. Indeed, this is exactly what happened in 2002. He managed to get a master's in business administration. He moved directly to work at one of the companies, a famous company called “McKinsey”, in a management consultant position. This company did not stay in it for long before the point happened that would completely transform the life of the young Indian.

Sundar Pichai moved to work at Google

This event is his arrival at work at Google in 2004, so you can imagine how happy he was
Pichai first joined Google in 2004. He initially organized a small team and was assigned to work on the Google search toolbar. Which gave users of Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers easy access to Google Search. He also worked on many other important products such as Google Gears, Gadgets, and Google Pack. By the way, these services or products no longer exist.

Pichai loves working at Google very much. “The thing that attracted me to Google and the Internet, in general, is that it's a great equivalent,” he said. I've always been astonished by the fact that Google Search works the same way as long as you have access to a computer connected to the Internet. Whether you are a country kid anywhere or a professor at Stanford or Harvard. I want Google to strive to do this - not just build technology for specific segments. For me, it is important to lead technology as an equal force, as an enabler for all of the world's population.

Google Chrome

Sander Pichai's idea of developing the Google Chrome browser. After the tangible successes, Pichai achieved in the Google tape came the turning point that will change his career and climb up the ranks of the promotion ladder at Google. The idea is that after he was working on Google's tape that helps other specifications search through Google, he asked, and he said, OK, we help other browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox, so why does Google not have its own browser and this browser is Google Chrome Yes Pichai is the owner of the idea of this browser.

Of course, he suggested the topic to the board of directors, but the idea did not appeal to some, especially CEO Eric Schmidt, and many people did not advocate his idea, but Pichai insisted on his idea and cleverly managed to convince Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that this browser will compete and even defeat all other browsers that dominate the market Indeed, in 2008, the browser Google Chrome was born, where this product changed the way the world works, to become, as Pichai said, completely the best and most used browser in the world.

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were astonished by the event and they were so happy that their confidence in the Pichai idea did not fail and felt the value of this young Indian's ideas, and they saw that he deserves a greater mouth than he is, so in 2008 he was promoted to vice president of product development, and here for the first time, he started to Appear in Google Presentations.


In 2012, Pichai added another section of Google to his plans. He was interested in operating Android as he developed it and removed all defects in it and under his leadership and creative ideas Android became the world as the best operating system.

That is why in 2013 he was appointed as the chief administrator of Android, Pichai was also a major contributor to Android One, the low-cost smartphone of Google, and his promotion continued until he assumed the position of chief production in 2014.

He became responsible for search, maps, research, Google+, Android, Chrome, infrastructure, commerce, ads, and Google Apps, and was a major contributor to Google's $ 3.2 billion acquisition of Nest in 2014 and continued to raise Google's value among global companies until he was appointed as the first vice president of Chrome. Applications in 2015.

Sundar Pichai Appointed CEO of Google

All these positions were followed by Pichai until the event came to the largest, which was in the same year 2015 when he was appointed CEO of Google, and on December 3, 2019, Google announced that the founders of the company Larry Page and Sergey Brin had completely stepped down and Sundar was promoted to CEO of the full Alphabet group, namely The parent company that includes all the company's forums, including Google. But of course, the co-founders are still the majority owners and the owners of the super shares through dual-class shares. They also remain on the company's board of directors.

Pichai says that people should work with the people who push them forward and distance themselves from all those who are frustrated. Perhaps this advice I would like to pass it on. I am golden, so long as you are surrounded by a group of unsuccessful, frustrated, lazy people, believe me, the wheel of days and years will turn around and it will remain at the same point where you are now while reading this article.
